Tiny Toques / Beanies with Pompoms

Hello, Folks!

What do you do with a sturdy cardboard tube and yarn? Make little hats, of course!!
Come join me if you want to do a craft of recycling and reusing up scraps of yarn.
I hate wasting and I want to encourage the world that something that could have gone in the garbage could instead become something else entirely.
They’re fun to make with kids or on your own. Give them as gifts, add them to heads of teddy bears or stick them on your jacket with a pin. Super cute!

Join me here!


My Micro Needle Felted Teddy

Yes, I took the time to make a 2cm tall teddy out of dark and light blue wool. Crazy, but no matter how small, needle felting a project takes a lot of patience and time. This little guy took me four hours! Needle Felting is a craft I love and if you like working with your hands you might love it too.

Check out my page here for more details and pictures of Mr. Tiny 🙂

Hope to see you again 🙂

_Cute Fluff

Mixing Needle Felting and a Frame

Needle Felted Quirky Heart 🙂

Hello Friends,

My favorite craft is needle felting where you take wool, a barbed needle and you become a sculpture artist creating cute and fluffy items. It takes time and patience! It’s a type of meditation for me except when you accidently poke yourself. Ouch! ;p

Yes, the craft can hurt sometimes but it’s rewarding when you see your finished product. Over the years, (since 2007) I have become better manipulating the wool how I want it and it hurts less, lol, but I’m always learning with every project.

For the first time, I used my needle felting with another element, a wooden frame.

I hope you like my latest creation!

Clay Painted Frame


The back side of frame.



I had fun creating it and was happy with the result. I plan on using my needle felting craft with other elements and will share.

Have a great week everyone!


Octopus Plush

Felt Purple Octopus Plush Jan. 10-11 2015 (4)
Hello, friends!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying, May long weekend!

Wanted to share with everyone my little octopus plush. He may be a little funky or even odd, but I think he’s super cute. It was done all by hand – I’m too stubborn to buy a sewing machine and would probably grab the thread and needle instantly anyway.

If you want to learn how I made this little guy then click here: https://cristascutefluff.wordpress.com/i-love-cute-plushies/octopus-plush/