Poetry of Vintage Times : Vintage Lace



Lace from vintage times,

Touches an age when women sat on sturdy oak chairs,

Flowing and layered skirts,

As time ticked by,

Delicate lace is created with hands working in candle light,

or sunlight broke through the single pane glass windows,

When women would gather and keep each other company while tots played,

The age when strong threads were only made,

Hand weaved into beautiful and intricate fine pieces of art,

Vintage Lace tells a story of long hours as each piece is planned

and once the journey begins to ends.

Vintage Lace reflects an age when quality mattered not quantity.


Copyrighted by CuteFluff
This poem is a reflection of my love of all things vintage. I hope you like it. XD_Crista


Happy Holidays!

Hello, Folks!

I want to say to all my crafting friends, Happy Holidays! I hope you all have an awesome time with your family and friends, it’s a time to eat plenty and be merry. No more stressing! Take a deep breath and say it’s not supposed to be perfect. Do we remember those perfect moments? No, we remember those silly moments when you forget to stuff the turkey.

Here I am, showing off my mom’s scarf and mitts she made me. I love the colors! Thanks again, mom ❤

We’ll see you folks in the new year,  2016!


How to Crinkle / Scrunched Seam Binding


Hello Fellow Friends,

I have decided to share a tutorial on how to crinkle your own seam binding. What is seam binding? It’s a densely woven, lightweight, thin ribbon. I use it strictly for embellishments like bows. If you would like to learn how to create textured bows for your projects use Rayon Seam Binding and click here. The brand I use is, ” Hug Snug,” and I highly recommend it. I love their color assortments and excellent quality.


I wish you well and I hope you’re enjoying this Autumn season.


Vintage T.V. Trays to New

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Hello Friends,

Tomorrow is Canada Day, July 1st and I hope everyone has a safe and fun day!
I decided to do a little project the other day with vintage 1970’s metal t.v. trays. It used to be a set a four, but one was forgotten somewhere years ago. My mom gave them to me  knowing I couldn’t say no.  You don’t see metal t.v. trays anymore!
I wanted them to become modern so decided on a shimmering bronze spray paint. You can find such at your local hardware store. I recommend, Rust-oleum, universal advanced formula, all-surface paint. The color I picked up is actually called, aged copper. The finish is spiffy and it sprayed beautifully. I’ll share a pic of the can.


I should have used a primer because it took four coats to completely cover the bright colors of the t.v. trays.

After two coats


Oh well. I had fun and I like the finished look. I love making something old into something new again. Maybe, I have inspired you to instead of throwing that item out but get creative and give it a fresh new look. You save money in the process! It was a $8 dollar project!

Here are the finished trays!

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I want to wish everyone a HAPPY CANADA DAY!

_Cute Fluff


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Hello, Friends!

I hope everything is well and you’re enjoying your weekend!

My weekend is with rain and cloudy skies so what better time to clean and polish my Great Grandmother’s Antique Clothes Wringer.
This would be the first time in years it got spoiled treatment. I believe it took me two full hours to complete my project. I bought some wood polish and got to work. Before the wood was dull and dry, but now it’s gleaming and restored. It feels good looking after things so they’ll last.

It’s an antique folding double bench clothes wringer, (1898) by Anchor Bicycle. It folds up and out-of-the-way nicely. I think the rollers need to be replaced, but I will leave it be for now.

Thanks for visiting!

_Cute Fluff

Welcome to my webpage, Cutefluff.com!


My name is Crista and thank you for visiting. This page will be focused on CUTE and FLUFFY Crafts such as needle felting, and reviews of books and tools etc. that I own. I’m known for being bubbly, cute and even a bit weird. I’m very excited to be able to share with my creative side and to help you find your own creative side.

My craft table 😀



My craft book collection ❤